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Common Causes of Cross Contamination in Cutting Boards

January 19, 2018

Cross contamination of food occurs when bacteria are on various kitchen surfaces and tools. If this issue happens in your food-prep area, it can cause people who consume your food to become sick due to food-bourne illnesses, such as salmonella poisoning or even food poisoning. Even your cutting boards can be a source of this contamination if you are not careful. Below, we list the most common causes for this to happen with any cutting board to ensure that you know how to avoid the problem.

Not Cleaning the Boards in Between Uses

Neglecting to clean cutting boards between uses is a main cause for cross contamination to happen to the foods that come into contact with them. Bacteria will only continue to multiply when you do not remove it.

Improper Cleaning of Cutting Boards

Cleaning your boards improperly is as harmful as not cleaning them at all in between uses. Without the correct cleaning methods, bacteria residue will remain on the surface of the boards. If your boards are dishwasher-safe, you can successfully sanitise them just by a regular wash through your machine. On the other hand, wood ones may be better in a solution of hot water and a bit of bleach to ensure that they are safe to use once again. Just make sure to thoroughly rinse before allowing them to dry.

Using One Cutting Board for Multiple Types of Food

Another cause for cross contamination in cutting boards is using one board for multiple types of foods, especially when you cut raw poultry and meat, and then go right on to chop veggies on the same board. It is wise to have more than one colour of cutting board so that you can allot a colour for each type of food. Examples of this would be green for veggies, red for raw beef and other red meats, yellow for raw poultry and brown for cooked poultry and meats.

Worn Cutting Boards

When cutting boards develop knife grooves from daily use, it can be difficult to clean them completely to ensure that they are sanitary for use. The grooves are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria to grow and thrive. At times, the boards are in such bad condition that the only solution is to purchase new ones, but at other times, they just require resurfacing to return them to a proper condition for sanitising them with the correct cleaning methods.

For additional causes of cross contamination in cutting boards or avail yourself of our services, contact Cutting Board Services at your convenience. We even come to you to refurbish your cutting boards in a quality manner. Also, we sell quality polyethylene boards in a variety of colours and sizes.

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