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Easy Ways on How Commercial Cutting Boards Can Be Disinfected

February 14, 2018

Commercial cutting boards are important tools for food-service entities. As you probably already know, they protect the kitchen work surfaces from knife gouges and possible contamination. However, if you do not disinfect these cutting boards correctly in between uses, you can cross contaminate your foods and make people who consume them sick with food-borne illnesses. Sadly, many people in your position do not understand that there are easy ways to accomplish the proper level of disinfection for these boards. We are here to explain the top ones in the following facts.

A Cycle in the Dishwasher

If your cutting boards are dishwasher safe, rinse them before inserting them into the dishwasher. One cycle through this machine will sufficiently disinfect your boards. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to discover whether or not your boards are safe to wash and disinfect in this manner. Certain ones may warp in dishwashers are why we caution you.

Hot Water and Dishwashing Detergent

Depending on the food residue, hot water and dishwashing detergent may be all that is necessary to disinfect your cutting boards. Fruits and vegetables do not leave the same type of bacteria as poultry and other meats do in most cases, so the boards you use to chop them can be cleansed and sanitised in this simple manner.

Soak in a Mild Solution of Bleach and Water

Bleach has long been known as one of the most effective sanitisers. You can disinfect your cutting boards with a mild solution of bleach and water regardless of what material that they are made from to ensure that they are safe to use once again. Use one part bleach to four parts water for the solution and saturate the boards with it. The solution needs to stay on the boards for at least 10 minutes for it to be completely effective. Rinse the boards thoroughly with warm water after this process.

Spray Boards with Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide to Disinfect Them

There are some people who believe that bleach is harmful and toxic. If you are among this group, you can spray the cutting boards with vinegar followed up by a spray of three-percent hydrogen peroxide. Rinse thoroughly with warm water to complete this disinfecting process.

*Note: Whichever of the above methods you decide to utilise to sanitise your cutting boards, remember to rinse the food scraps off them before you begin.*

For further facts about how to disinfect your commercial cutting boards easily, consult with Cutting Board Services. We provide mobile resurfacing and reconditioning services for old cutting boards, and we also sell new durable cutting boards on a wholesale basis.

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