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 (02] 9760 1401


cutting board

Different Material Types of Cutting Boards

April 20, 2017

Cutting boards play an important role in all kitchens since they provide protection for the countertops. Since these boards come in a variety of material today, though, you may find it difficult to select which ones will suit your needs in an ideal manner. For this reason, we describe the most popular materials for cutting boards in the following list.

1. Timber

Wood is often the material of choice for cutting boards on both a commercial and domestic level. Not only is it easy to clean and sanitise, but it also stands up to years of use with proper care. While certain styles of these boards are one solid piece of timber, other ones include sections of wood attached together with strong glue. The downsides of this material are that they can warp and begin to deteriorate if you allow them to absorb an excess of moisture daily. Wood is porous and requires a lengthy time to dry when wet. Below, we provide you with a partial list of woods that are ideal for these boards:

  • Oak
  • Acacia
  • Maple
  • Bamboo

2. Polyethylene

Polyethylene is a type of plastic, and cutting boards that contain it provide a durable, easy-to-sanitise surface, but can develop deep cuts from knives over time. You can even bleach these boards when necessary without any sign of residue. The following density levels are available in cutting boards of this material to suit your specific requirements:

  • Low-density polyethylene or LDPE
  • Medium-density polyethylene or MDPE
  • (300) High-density polyethylene or HDPE
  • (500) High-Molecular Weight polyethylene or HMWPE, which is the highest quality of the polyethylene

3. Glass

One stylish version of cutting boards uses glass as the material of choice. Glass will not scratch easily from contact with knife blades, but it is breakable if you drop the boards. Another benefit of it is that it sanitises quickly with just soap and water in most cases.

4. Stone

Marble, granite and slate are types of stone that make reliable cutting boards. Stone will endure rough usage daily, but each type of stone has its own care and maintenance instructions.

The above materials are just a sampling of the materials in cutting boards today. When you wish to purchase high-quality, European ones of polyethylene, Cutting Board Services is the best place to turn for them. In addition, we will recondition your existing cutting boards with our mobile service to extend their lifespan. When you need this service, we will come to your establishment to keep from disturbing your schedule in a radical manner.

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