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cutting board

Simple Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Plastic Cutting Boards

May 24, 2017

Plastic cutting boards are popular with the food industry today since they are available in different thicknesses, sizes, colours and shapes. On top of all these benefits, these boards also are easy to clean and maintain. We share some simple cleaning and maintenance tips for these boards in the following list.

1. Place in the Dishwasher Without the Heat-Drying Cycle

You can place these boards in the dishwasher without the heat-drying cycle on in most cases, but check the manufacturer's instructions since each brand of board is different. The only problem with heat drying plastic boards in the dishwasher is the fact that they may warp unless they are made to withstand that level of heat.

2. Wash Plastic Cutting Boards with Detergent and Warm Water

Often times, a quick wash with warm water and detergent, and a thorough rinse with clean water are all that are necessary to clean a plastic cutting board effectively. This method works if you cut up vegetables, herbs or fruit on the boards. No further sanitising may be necessary.

3. Sanitise Cutting Boards of Plastic in a Weak Bleach Solution

If you expose the plastic cutting boards to raw meat or fish, though, you should rinse the boards thoroughly with hot water and then place them in a solution of bleach and water. Add one part bleach to five parts water. After about 15 minutes, wash the boards with detergent and water, rinse completely and dry. The bleach will ensure that all the bacteria are off the boards. You may choose to do this with all your boards regardless of the types of food that they come into contact with daily.

4. Hire a Professional Company to Resurface Worn Plastic Cutting Boards

Plastic cutting boards can develop deep grooves over time from the knives hitting them during the slicing and dicing of food. These grooves can harbour bacteria and make it trickier to clean them. As a result, your cutting boards may become unhygienic to use on food. Luckily, you can hire a professional company to resurface your boards periodically to return them to a hygienic, ideal condition.

For additional ways to clean and maintain plastic cutting boards, consult with Cutting Board Services. We not only resurface and refurbish your cutting boards, but we also sell durable, non-warping, European, polyethylene cutting boards. Since we offer our services on a mobile basis, we come to you to fulfil your needs at a time that is convenient for your busy schedule.

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